How to Fit Your Pit (or any other type of dog)
"My dog usually wears an extra large". This is something we hear and read a lot! The problem is that one brand's XL is fit4apug, while another is fit4awolf. We've found a way to remedy this and it's nearly foolproof, though. It begins with getting accurate measurements of your dog. Below I've got some really thorough instructions, a cute graphic and even a tape measure you can print out at home. Please familiarize yourself with where and how we measure dogs at fit4apit and make a note of the measurements in your phone. It'll come in handy later.
Once you have these numbers, you can find the correct size in any garment by going to the product's page and checking the Size Chart, which appears under the product options. Because we carry different brands and each has their own size chart, we've added appropriate size charts for every brand.
Helpful hint: Considering buying several different sweaters and jackets? Be sure to check the sizing information for every garment, even if it's within the same brand! Sometimes size charts will vary within those brands, depending on the type of apparel. (Example: coats will be sized differently than onesies)
HOW TO FIT YOUR PIT (or any other type of dog)
To get the best fit and eliminate the need for returns, always refer to these instructions because the measurements listed were all taken using these guidelines. This is very specific to fit4apit.com, so when purchasing on our website, please do not use measuring instructions from other stores, posts or articles. Likewise, the info here about meaasuring doesn't necessarily to other stores.
ALWAYS USE A FABRIC OR PAPER TAPE MEASURE Metal construction tape measures don't yield accurate results when bent to conform to a dog's body. Plus, the feel of the cold metal and the noise tape measures make scare scare your dog and make him or her fearful of unknown objects or even being handled. If you don't have a fabric or paper tape measure, please refer to our PRINTABLE TAPE MEASURE (choose landscape format when printing). Another option is to use a piece of string or rope. Mark where the end overlaps, then lay the string or rope flat and measure with a metal tape or ruler.
BEGIN WITH PUTTING YOUR DOG IN A STANDING POSITION. If your dog is sitting, laying, rolling, jumping, play bowing etc, measurements won't be accurate. This is actually much easier with 2 humans--one to hold the pup's attention (try yummy treats) while the other does the measuring. Keep it positive, fun and low energy. Use a quiet voice and if your dog is concerned about this new handling, take a break and let him or her walk it off, then try again later.
1. LENGTH: Place one end of the tape at the base of the back of the neck (imagine where a loose collar would rest), then run the tape straight along the spine and take the measurement right before the tail begins (many dogs have a wide indentation there).
2. NECK: Wrap the tape measure around the widest part of your dog's neck (this is the base of the neck. Imagine where a loose collar would rest) NOTE: For our Tees and Hoodies, take this measurement closer to mid-level, since these sit higher on the dog's throat area to prevent them from slipping down over the shoulders.
3. RIBCAGE GIRTH: Keep your dog in standing position. This is the most important measurement for our deep-chested dogs! Looking at your dog from the side, locate the widest part of the ribcage and wrap your measuring tape around it, keeping the tape measure flat against the body but not tight. The widest part of the ribcage can be directly behind the front leg but for some dogs, it's an inch or two behind the front legs. It depends on the dog.
MEASURING FOR HATS AND SNOODS: Using a cloth or paper tape measure, wrap the tape around the meatiest part of your dog's head. Also take a measurement at the base of the neck.
If it turns out your dog is between sizes or you just aren't sure, we're here to help! We know everything about each garment and in some cases, we might recommend going up or down a size. We also know which items have the most stretch and which ones are adjustable. You can text 828-348-4139 or email heather@fit4apit.com any time for help!