More than just a Store

For over a decade, the founder & CEO of fit4apit has served as a training coordination volunteer for animal rescues and shelters all over America. It's her passion and over the years, has naturally crept into her work life during business hours.

Since starting this business in 2013, we've received thousands of questions about training issues and we've been able to share resources to help many customers find the right trainer.

Finding the right trainer can be hard! There are so many different training styles now and it has become increasingly difficult for pet parents to distinguish between the hacks and the real pros. Breed discrimination can also add complication, since dogs who look a certain way are judged by inexperienced trainers and even banned from classes held at popular big box stores.

Luckily, we have a tried-and-true formula that takes all the guesswork out of finding a great trainer, no matter what your dog looks like or where you live in the world!

We can help you find a trainer who:

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Is professionally accredited in their field

A parent would never think of sending their human kid to learn from someone who never went to school themselves and just "learned by doing", right? That's exactly why we don't recommend turning a dog's training over to a person who has no accreditation.

Dog training is a science that takes guidance from real experts who understand how all animals learn. Learning how to teach this science to pet parents involves lots of studying, hands-on experience and the ability to pass testing, graduate, keep up with certifications, etc.

Will teach you how to train your dog without using force

We only refer to professionally accredited force-free trainers who will show you how to train humanely, without intimidating or making your dog uncomfortable in any way.

Research has shown that the use of force, fear and intimidation is 100% not necessary in order to effectively train animals. In fact, there are many peer-reviewed studies confirming the negative physical and emotional effects that forceful training has on animals.

Will boost your confidence

The trainers on our referral lists build clients' confidence by teaching sound scientific techniques that have stood the test of time and are proven to work. This leads to people and their pups feeling more confident, which enables faster learning for both!

Will make training fun for you and your dog

When you use humane techniques that have lasting results, it's easy to fall in love with training and look forward to the next session!

Force-free trainers want clients' dogs to be happy and safe. Making training fun is important for keeping dogs (and humans) engaged during sessions and making clients want to continue.

We will never refer you to a trainer who:

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Blames your dog's behavior on your "energy"

Have you ever had a trainer tell you that you need to adjust your core personality or worry about your "energy" in order to for training to work? It can be really deflating!

Real dog training isn't based on possessing any special mojo. Armed with techniques based on how animals actually learn, anyone can learn to train a dog humanely. There is no need to overhaul your entire personality.

Suggests tools that make your dog uncomfortable

Good dog training doesn't rely heavily on tools to get the job done. Trainers who use choke collars, slip leads, prong/pinch collars or any electronic stimulation (e-collar, shock collar, bark collar, underground fence collar) are leaning on these tools and forceful methods for "quick & dirty" results... results that don't last, increase a dog's stress/anxiety level and can cause new fear-based behaviors to develop.

Aversive tools are not only emotionally damaging, they can cause actual physical damage. There are delicate structures and organs inside a dog's throat and neck! Pressure from leash pops, prong points, zaps from an e-collar and even pressure from wearing a flat collar can result in nerve damage, facial/ear paralysis, laryngeal paralysis, damage to the thyroid, collapsed trachea, damage to vocal chords, seizures, damage to vertebrae, eye prolapse, etc,..

Shows you ways to intimidate your dog into compliance

Training dogs doesn't require us to be 'pack leaders'. There's no need for leash pops, kneeing dogs, yelling, using spray bottles, making annoying corrective noises, or inundating the dog with whatever they're afraid of/reactive to, in an effort to make them 'get over the fear' ("flooding" the dog).

These techniques can irreparably damage your bond with your dog and can also cause serious behavioral issues to develop.

Judges your dog based on appearance

We only refer to trainers who understand that all dogs are individuals. The trainers on our lists all understand that behavior is dictated by a dog's environment, not their DNA.

The trainers on our lists do not believe in the myth that bigger and/or stronger dogs need a heavier hand when it comes to training! The techniques they use are effective for training XL bullies, teacup poodles, horses, HUMANS, dophins, birds, chimps, etc.

See what's inside your dog's neck:

If you get overwhelmed, we're happy to help you with your search! Text/call 828-348-4139 or email: